

导读 大家好,我是小跳,我来为大家解答以上问题。七年级英语阅读短文,英语阅读短文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、It was a v


1、It was a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there were no trees along the street. Mr Read closed his shop at half past five, and went out into the street and began walking to the bus stop. He was very fat. The sun shone straight down the street, and in a few minutes Mr Read felt very hot. A small boy came out of another shop in the street and followed Mr Read. He stayed very near him all the time, and he kicked (踢)Mr Read’s shoes several times, Mr Read looked at him angrily each time. After the fourth time, Mr Read stopped, turned round and said to the small boy, “what are you doing? Stop following me like that! You’re going to hurt my feet.” “I’m sorry, but don’t stop me, please!” the small boy said. “It’s very hot today and there aren’t any other shade(阴凉处)places in the street!” ( B ) 31. It wasn’t hot when the story happened, was it? A. Yes, it was B. No, it wasn’t C. Yes, it wasn’t D. No, it was ( A ) 32. Mr Read _____ at about 5:30. A. was going to take a bus B. was going home C. was looking for a small boy D. was going to another shop ( C ) 33. In a few minutes, Mr Read felt hot because _____. A. he walked fast B. he was a fat man C. he walked in the sun D. the small boy stayed very near him ( D ) 34. What did Mr Read do after the boy kicked his shoes several times? A. He stopped to walk. B. He told the boy to stop walking behind him. C. He told the boy to walk in front of him. D. He asked the boy not to hurt his feet. ( D ) 35. The boy followed Mr Read so that(以便)_____. A. he could do the shopping in Mr Read shop B. he could cross the road safely C. he could find the way home D. the sun wouldn’t shine straightly down him。
